Unique as the imprint of the human multitude that has been traversing and dancing in the Mediterranean for thousands of years, sowing cultures, knowledge, memories and dreams.
Unique as the summation of the winds that caresses coasts, reliefs and fields, which curves trees, sculpting elephants and devil saddles, blowing on the apotropaic winter fires of pagan matrix.
Unique as the archaic conceptualism that hides a people faced with the imminent blossoming of spring.
Unique as festivals enjoyed under the summer sun that, in every country, bring in the end of the agricultural year and open the gates to our new year with its scents and colours.
Unique as the linguistic continuity that wants to catch up with the future and that unites the different garments and places of the island, from Logudoro to Campidani, passing through Baronie, Ogliastra, and Barbagie.
Unique as the vocal and guttural chords that shape the verses of culture and oral tradition and that accompany the extemporaneous dialectic on the stages trodden by our bards.
As unique as the great book of its history written by the Paleo-Sardinian peoples, by the Nuragic civilisation, by the protagonists of the merchant raids that took place here, by the swords of the dominions that have succeeded and imposed over time.
Unique as the culinary wisdom handed down from oven to oven, curdled from one pot to another, fermented in the cellars, squeezed out with love after a hard harvest.
Unique as Sardinia, a land to discover, explore, listen to, taste.
To love.