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ItaLBeS project, Italian language for foreigners (Sassari)

italbes inglese


For immigrants, learning the Italian language represents a fundamental step in the integration process.
While many of them learn the language spontaneously by mere exposure, this proves often insufficient because guided learning, implemented in a formal context, is usually required.

For this reason, we thought of designing and structuring "ItaLBeS" (Italian for Workers, Carers, and Foreigners), a broad educational offer aimed at foreign users seeking to learn or improve their Italian linguistic and communication skills, also concerning their own work.
ItaLBeS aims to be the starting point for them to integrate into society at large and enter the world of work.


• ItaLBeS 0 - Pre-A1 level (ideal for partially literate learners)
• ItaLBeS 1 - CEFR level A1
• ItaLBeS 2 - CEFR level A2 * (useful for taking the A2 level certification exam, essential for obtaining a long-stay permit)
• ItaLBeS 3 - CEFR level B1 (useful for taking the B1 level certification exam, essential for obtaining Italian citizenship).

* Each course will be scheduled upon reaching the minimum number of students (eight).

ItaLBeS strengths:
• certified teachers with ample experience
• maximum of 10 students per class
• two-hour lessons once a week, which allow students to combine study and work
• educational material available 24/7 on the Association's online teaching platform
• 25% of class hours devoted to the improvement of business language skills
• periodic exercises and tests aimed at monitoring the learners' progress
• class mapping with analysis of skills upon admission and learners' needs for personalised teaching
• practice tests useful to take the CILS exam (Certification of Knowledge of Italian Language).

ItaLBeS is aimed, in particular, at:

• workers, carers and foreign domestic workers
• foreigners with little or no education at all who want to enter the world of work or who want to integrate into society
• foreigners who want to learn the Italian language also to work in Italy.


Minimum age: 18
- valid identity document
- valid residence permit (for non-European candidates).

Participation fee: € 155.00 divided as follows:

€ 5.00 (registration) + € 50.00 to be paid within the first lesson
€ 50.00, the second month (to be paid within the first week of the second month of training)
€ 50.00, the third month (to be paid within the first week of the third month of training)

The participation fee is "all-inclusive" and comprises the following:

• membership fee
• linguistic placement test and introductory interview
• analysis of specific needs
• 30-hour language training course structured in weekly meetings lasting 120 minutes each (approximately 3 months)
• teaching materials
• teaching aids, which can be used, for the entire duration of the course, on the online teaching platform of the "Àndala noa" cultural association
• two "in itinere" verification tests, aimed at monitoring the learners' progress
• one final exam and certificate of attendance and grade with the certification of the skills acquired.
• one exam test simulation, useful for passing the CILS exam (Certification of Knowledge of the Italian Language).


Interested parties can make an appointment by sending an email to Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. or call 3772593179 from 17:00 to 20:00 from Monday to Saturday.

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